Welcome to Sharpe Fitness

Hi my name is DeMarco K Sharpe. I 'm a Certified Personal Trainer here to lead and inspire people to there most optimal fitness. I am sure we can go far in our fitness journey due to the fact that we can never stop learning how to achieve greater results. I have been on my fitness journey since the age of 15 now 34 in my journey. I have gained a lot of knowledge over the years and have had my highs and lows. I know what not to do. In order to achieve the goals you desire there are no easy routes. You must have a passion for what you want to achieve and do the work no shortcuts. Though at some point things may get difficult you are not alone. With me we will push through any obstacle that is thrown in our way. Never give up on what you want! When you schedule your appointment be sure to contact me through phone or email. Go ahead and click the right corner of the page or read more. See you there at the top. 

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I am here to help you with your nutritional needs. I have been in the medical field working for Kaiser and private ambulance companies. I know what it means to monitor sugars and proteins for optimal health. I am a certified nutrition coach and I have experienced the weight gains and loss in a healthy fashion. No cheat codes all natural.

Welcome to Sharpe's website

I am ready to layout a meal plan for not only your optimal health, but also your fitness goals and journey.


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